Is Political Science Hard? Exploring the Complexity and Challenges in 2024

Are you considering studying political science but wondering if it’s a challenging field? Well, you’re not alone. Many people are curious about the difficulty level of political science and whether they have what it takes to succeed in this discipline. In this article, we will delve into the question, “Is political science hard?” and provide you with a clear understanding of what to expect when pursuing a degree in political science.

Key Takeaways

  • Political science is the study of political systems, governments, and political behavior, offering a deep understanding of how political power is gained, exercised, and maintained.
  • It is a multidisciplinary field that draws insights from sociology, history, economics, and law, enriching the understanding of political structures and institutions.
  • Studying political science requires critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to analyze complex political issues from different perspectives.
  • The field offers opportunities for internships, research projects, and participation in political organizations, allowing the application of knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Political science plays a crucial role in understanding political systems, exploring political ideologies, analyzing international relations, informing public policies, and contributing to academic knowledge.
  • Subfields within political science include comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public policy, and American politics, each providing a unique perspective on different aspects of politics and governance.
  • Essential skillsets for studying political science include critical thinking, research skills, communication skills, analytical skills, and open-mindedness.
  • Challenges in political science include the complexity and ever-evolving nature of political systems, interdisciplinary approaches, analytical rigor, debates and controversies, and the development of research and writing skills.

What is Political Science?

Political science is the study of political systems, governments, and political behavior. It is a field of study that analyzes and explains how political power is gained, exercised, and maintained. As a political science student, you will delve into various topics such as political ideologies, international relations, public policies, and the functioning of different political institutions.

Studying political science offers you the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the workings of governments and political systems at the local, national, and international levels. It involves analyzing historical events, studying political theories, conducting research, and examining the impact of political decisions on society.

In your political science courses, you will explore a wide range of concepts and theories. You will learn about the different types of governments, political ideologies, and the methods through which political power is distributed and exercised. Courses may cover topics such as comparative politics, political philosophy, public administration, and research methods.

In addition to classroom learning, political science programs often provide opportunities for internships, research projects, and participation in political organizations or campaigns. These experiences allow you to apply your knowledge in real-world settings and gain practical skills that can enhance your understanding of political processes.

Keep in mind that political science is a multidisciplinary field, drawing on insights from sociology, history, economics, and law. This interdisciplinary approach enriches your understanding of political phenomena, as you explore how political structures and institutions interact with social, economic, and legal factors.

Studying political science can be challenging, but it is also intellectually stimulating. It requires critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to analyze complex political issues from different perspectives. It prepares you for a variety of careers in government, public administration, international relations, law, journalism, and academia.

By studying political science, you will gain a deeper understanding of political processes and how they shape society. Whether you aspire to work in politics, make an impact on policy decisions, or simply develop a better understanding of the world around you, a degree in political science can open doors to a wide range of opportunities.

The Importance of Political Science

Political science plays a crucial role in our understanding of how governments and political systems function. It provides invaluable insights into the complex world of politics, helping individuals navigate the intricacies of power, decision-making, and policy development. Here’s why political science is important:

1. Understanding Political Systems: Studying political science equips you with a deep understanding of how governments operate at various levels, from local to international. It explores the structures and institutions that govern societies, providing you with the knowledge to critically analyze political systems and their impact on people’s lives.

2. Exploring Political Ideologies: Political science offers a comprehensive exploration of different political ideologies, from liberalism to conservatism, socialism to anarchism. By examining these ideologies, you gain a broader perspective on the diverse range of political beliefs and values that shape societies across the globe.

3. Analyzing International Relations: As globalization continues to shape our world, understanding international politics is becoming increasingly important. Political science delves into the complexities of international relations, examining topics such as diplomacy, conflict resolution, and the role of international organizations.

4. Informing Public Policies: Political science helps inform the development and analysis of public policies. By studying this field, you gain the skills to evaluate existing policies, propose alternative solutions, and contribute to public discourse on important issues. This knowledge is essential for individuals working in government, public administration, and advocacy.

5. Contributing to Academia: Political science is not only about practical applications but also contributes to academic knowledge. Through research and analysis, political scientists advance our understanding of political phenomena, providing insights that can shape policy decisions and improve governance practices.

As you can see, political science is an indispensable field of study that goes beyond theoretical concepts. It seeks to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to engage in the political landscape, effect change, and contribute to the betterment of society. So, if you’re interested in politics, policy-making, or making a difference in the world, studying political science is a worthwhile investment in your future.

The Different Subfields of Political Science

Political science is a vast and diverse field that encompasses various subfields, each focusing on different aspects and areas of study. Understanding the different subfields of political science can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the discipline as a whole. Here are some of the key subfields that you should be aware of:

  1. Comparative Politics: This subfield focuses on comparing different political systems and analyzing the similarities and differences between them. It examines the structures, processes, and functions of various governments around the world, allowing you to gain insights into the complexities and challenges of governing.
  2. International Relations: International relations examines the interactions between nations and the dynamics of global politics. It explores topics such as international law, diplomacy, foreign policy, and global governance. Studying international relations can give you a deeper understanding of the complexities of international politics and the challenges faced by nations in a globalized world.
  3. Political Theory: Political theory delves into the philosophical foundations of political systems, governance, and political ideologies. It explores concepts such as justice, democracy, power, and rights, allowing you to critically analyze and understand different political ideologies and theoretical frameworks.
  4. Public Policy: Public policy focuses on the analysis, formulation, and evaluation of policies implemented by governments. It examines how policies are made, the impact they have on society, and the various factors that influence policy decisions. Studying public policy can equip you with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of effective and well-informed policies.
  5. American Politics: This subfield is dedicated to understanding the political system and processes within the United States. It explores topics such as the Constitution, elections, political parties, and the role of different branches of government. Studying American politics can give you valuable insights into the functioning of one of the world’s most influential democracies.

Each subfield within political science provides a unique perspective and contributes to our understanding of how governments and political systems operate. By exploring these different subfields, you can develop a well-rounded understanding of political science and gain valuable insights into the complexities of the political world. So, whether you choose to specialize in one subfield or explore multiple areas, studying political science can be both intellectually stimulating and rewarding.

Skillsets Required to Study Political Science

Studying political science requires a set of specific skillsets that can help you navigate the complexities of the subject matter. By honing these skills, you’ll not only become a better political science student but also develop valuable analytical and critical thinking abilities that can be applied to various aspects of life. Here are some essential skillsets required to study political science:

  1. Critical thinking: Political science is all about analyzing and understanding complex political concepts and systems. To excel in this field, you need to be able to think critically and evaluate different perspectives and arguments. This involves questioning assumptions, examining evidence, and forming informed opinions.
  2. Research skills: Political science is an empirical discipline, which means that research plays a crucial role in studying and analyzing political phenomena. Developing strong research skills will help you gather relevant data, analyze it effectively, and draw meaningful conclusions. It also involves being able to locate and navigate through various sources of information, such as academic journals, government publications, and reputable news outlets.
  3. Communication skills: As a political science student, you’ll be required to express your ideas and arguments clearly and effectively. Strong communication skills will help you articulate your thoughts in writing and verbally, allowing you to participate in class discussions, present research findings, and write research papers. Being able to communicate complex ideas in a concise and coherent manner is essential in the field of political science.
  4. Analytical skills: Political science deals with complex social and political phenomena that require analytical thinking. Analytical skills involve dissecting and breaking down complex issues into smaller components, identifying patterns and trends, and evaluating cause and effect relationships. These skills are crucial for conducting research, analyzing data, and formulating well-reasoned arguments.
  5. Open-mindedness: Political science is a constantly evolving field that requires an open mind to understand and appreciate different political ideologies, systems, and perspectives. Being open-minded allows you to consider diverse viewpoints, challenge your own beliefs, and appreciate the complexities of political issues. This skillset is crucial for engaging in meaningful dialogue and advancing your understanding of politics.

Challenges Faced in Political Science

Studying political science can be an intellectually rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. As you delve into the world of politics and government, you’ll encounter a variety of difficulties that require critical thinking and perseverance. Let’s explore some of the challenges you may face in the field of political science.

1. Complexity of Political Systems: One of the primary challenges is grappling with the complex nature of political systems. Understanding how governments operate, the intricacies of the democratic process, and the relationships between different branches of government can be overwhelming. However, it’s this very complexity that makes political science fascinating and allows for a deeper understanding of societal structures.

2. Ever-Evolving Nature: Political science is a constantly evolving field. Political ideologies, international relations, and public policies are all subject to change, which means you need to stay updated on current events and adapt your knowledge accordingly. This requires a willingness to engage in ongoing learning and research.

3. Interdisciplinary Nature: Political science is an interdisciplinary field that intersects with various other disciplines such as sociology, economics, history, and philosophy. While this interdisciplinary approach provides a holistic understanding of political phenomena, it can also pose a challenge in terms of synthesizing information from different disciplines and integrating them into your analysis.

4. Analytical Rigor: Political science requires rigorous analytical skills. You’ll often be tasked with analyzing complex data, examining social trends, and interpreting political theories. Developing these analytical skills takes time and practice, but they are essential for effectively dissecting political phenomena.

5. Debates and Controversies: Politics is inherently controversial, and as you dive deeper into political science, you’ll encounter debates and controversies surrounding various political theories, policies, and ideologies. Engaging in these debates requires open-mindedness and the ability to critically evaluate arguments from multiple perspectives.

6. Research and Writing Skills: Political science involves extensive research and writing. You’ll need to conduct research, analyze data, and effectively communicate your findings through written reports and essays. Developing strong research and writing skills is crucial to succeed in the field.

Facing these challenges head-on will help you navigate the complexities of political science and further your understanding of the subject matter. Remember that each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and a chance to deepen your knowledge of governments and political systems. Stay committed, remain curious, and be prepared to tackle these obstacles as you embark on your journey in political science.


Studying political science may seem challenging, but it offers valuable insights into the complex world of governments and political systems. By understanding political systems, exploring ideologies, analyzing international relations, informing policies, and contributing to academia, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the world works.

Political science encompasses various subfields, each providing a unique perspective on government operations. Comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public policy, and American politics all contribute to our understanding of political systems.

To succeed in political science, you need critical thinking, research, communication, and analytical skills. These skills are essential for navigating the complexities of the field and developing a well-rounded understanding.

While political science presents challenges, such as the complexity of political systems, the ever-evolving nature of the field, and the need for analytical rigor, these challenges should be seen as opportunities for growth. Embrace debates and controversies, and hone your research and writing skills to deepen your knowledge of governments and political systems.

Political science may be challenging, but with dedication and the right skillset, you can navigate its complexities and gain a deeper understanding of the world of politics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is studying political science important?

A: Studying political science is important because it provides insights into the functioning of governments and political systems. It helps us understand political systems, explore political ideologies, analyze international relations, inform public policies, and contribute to academia.

Q: What are the different subfields of political science?

A: The different subfields of political science include comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public policy, and American politics. Each subfield offers a unique perspective and contributes to our understanding of how governments and political systems operate.

Q: What skills are required to study political science?

A: Studying political science requires skills such as critical thinking, research skills, communication skills, analytical skills, and open-mindedness. These skills are essential for navigating the complexities of political science and developing a well-rounded understanding of the subject.

Q: What challenges are faced in political science?

A: Challenges in political science include the complexity of political systems, the ever-evolving nature of the field, the interdisciplinary nature of political science, the need for analytical rigor, debates and controversies, and the importance of research and writing skills. However, these challenges provide opportunities for growth and deepening knowledge of governments and political systems.